Stop using inferior tape that never sticks or sticks too well leaving gooey adhesive everywhere ruining your film and the inside of your projector. Our ‘Brand New’ Film Forever Hold-Down Tape fastens the end of your film to keep the film intact during storage. Otherwise your film could loosen and warpage can occur. To make a good hold down tape, there’s a delicate balance between too much adhesion and not enough adhesion. This specially made polyester based Hold-Down Tape is designed not to goo or leave residue on your film. The best Hold Down Tape on the market and worth every penny. Perfect 1/4” width for 8mm, Super 8mm and 16mm films. Made in USA.
Note: Don't use this or any other hold down tape to attach the end of the media to a reel hub for playback.
Extra strength 1.9 mil Polyester Base Film
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